January 29, 2023
March 3, 2020
Do you know what this is? Is the church gone? What kind of church do you want to belong to? -Worships God… -Disciples Believers… -Evangelizes the lost… -Fellowship among the Faithful… -Service to others… Who is in charge of this church? -God alone should call the shots -You and I work at The King’s… Read More »
February 4, 2020
Do you know this man? Words only, or is there a real difference? Christian-More than “little Christs”… Christ-Follower-A willful choice by you…a work in progress with God Saint-More than just old dead guys The difference is definable… Living on the Edge – Chip Ingram…”90 percent rule” Connecting with God daily is the definable difference
July 1, 2019
This year we celebrate 243 as a free people. You are a citizen…not a subject of our country. You are a citizen of heaven, too. As a Christ Follower, what are you “free” to do? -All things are permissible 1 Corinthians 10:23. -With freedom comes great responsibility. -You are responsible to God, and to each… Read More »
April 8, 2019
What is a squad? The people of God on mission for the glory of God. You and I, we’ve been given a mission. It is to display the grace of God to our neighbors. “Go, therefore, and make disciples of ALL nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and… Read More »